St. Paul's Presbyterian Church is a Christian community in downtown Hamilton, embodying Jesus’ acceptance and love of all people, and supporting the growth of God’s people in faith and service.
St. Paul's Presbyterian Church is a Christian community in downtown Hamilton, embodying Jesus’ acceptance and love of all people, and supporting the growth of God’s people in faith and service.
(905) 522-2792
St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church is a Christian community in downtown Hamilton, embodying Jesus’ acceptance and love of all people and supporting the growth of God’s people in faith and service.
St. Paul's is an Inclusive and Affirming Congregation
The church is called to be a welcoming, nurturing, loving and supportive community—a true church family. As affirmed by the 2021 General Assembly, all people whatever their sexual orientation or gender identity are equally beloved by God. The Session of St. Paul’s endorses these truths and will strive to create a church where all people are included and affirmed.
Our Vision

Our Mission
Following Jesus Christ and in His name, we will in humble spirit:
Proclaim God’s love, mercy, and grace through:
the way we live as a Christian community
our public and private worship
our actions in service for others
our Christian example
for our world
for our neighbours
for each other
for ourselves
Know our community and respond to the needs of its people
Challenge ourselves to live fearlessly and faithfully
What We Believe
St. Paul's is a member of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Presbyterians are protestants in the Reform tradition.
We believe we are all sinners but are saved through faith in Jesus Christ. We do not deserve our salvation but God grants it freely to us because He loves us. We respond to God's great love by loving our neighbours as we have been loved. We know these things through the Bible, which is God's Word to us.
For a more detailed description see the Living Faith, a statement of belief written by the Presbyterian Church of Canada. Presbyterians also summarized their beliefs in the 17th century in the Westminster Confession of Faith.